Embracing the Lion's Gate Portal: Manifesting with Flower Mandala Alters

What is the Lion's Gate Portal?

Hey everyone, it's Dalia here, and I'm so excited to talk about the Lion's Gate Portal, which is coming up on August 8th. If you're into astrology and spirituality, you probably already know that this is a super powerful time. The Lion's Gate Portal is all about the alignment between the Earth and the star Sirius, creating a powerful gateway of energy. This alignment opens up a portal for heightened spiritual insights, manifestations, and a deeper connection to the universe. It's like the universe is giving us an extra boost to make our dreams come true!

The Lion's Gate Portal gets its name from the Leo zodiac sign, which is all about heart, courage, and the fiery energy of the sun. It's a time when cosmic energy flows freely between the physical and spiritual realms, making it the perfect moment for manifestation practices.

Using Flower Mandalas as Altars

Let's talk about one of my favorite ways to harness this energy: flower mandalas. These beautiful designs made from flowers and other natural elements can be used as altars, sacred spaces where we connect with spiritual energies, set intentions, and practice manifestation. An altar is such a powerful tool for spiritual connection, serving as a focal point for rituals and meditative practices.

Healing Mandala vs. Altar Design

So, what's the difference between a healing mandala and an altar mandala? A healing mandala is created with the intention of bringing balance, peace, and healing. It's often designed intuitively, allowing you to express your emotions and energy through the arrangement of flowers and natural elements.

An altar mandala, on the other hand, is designed with specific spiritual intentions in mind. It serves as a sacred space for rituals, meditation, and manifestation. The design is more intentional, incorporating elements and symbols that resonate with your spiritual goals and desires.

Manifestation: Understanding and Setting Intentions

Manifestation is all about bringing our desires and intentions into reality through focused thought, energy, and action. It's based on the idea that our thoughts and emotions can influence the world around us. To manifest effectively, we need to have clarity on what we want to achieve and align our energy with our intentions.

Gaining Clarity and setting your intentions

Before setting intentions, it's crucial to understand what you truly want to manifest. Here are some questions that might help:

  • What do I desire in my life right now?

  • What would bring me the most joy and fulfillment?

  • What am I passionate about?

  • What are my long-term goals and aspirations?

Once you have clarity on what you want to manifest, it's time to set your intentions. Setting intentions is a way of clearly stating your desires to the universe and aligning your energy with them. Here are some steps to help you set your intentions:

  1. Write Down Your Intentions: Clearly articulate what you want to manifest. Be specific and use positive language.

  2. Visualize Your Desires: Close your eyes and visualize your intentions as if they have already come true. Feel the emotions associated with achieving your goals.

  3. Speak Your Intentions: Speak your intentions out loud, affirming them to yourself and the universe.

  4. Release Doubt: Trust in the process and let go of any doubts or fears. Believe that your desires are on their way to you.

Journaling and meditation can be powerful tools for gaining clarity on your desires and setting your intentions. Take some time to write down your thoughts, dreams, and goals. Meditate on these desires, visualizing them as if they are already a part of your reality. This process helps you connect with your true intentions and align your energy with your goals.

Creating a Sacred Space to Connect with the Lion's Gate Portal

Creating a sacred space is essential for connecting with the energies of the Lion's Gate Portal. This space will serve as the foundation for your manifestation practice, allowing you to focus your energy and intentions.

Clearing the Space and Your Energy

Before setting up your altar, it's important to clear the space and your energy. Here are some methods you can use:

  1. Sage or Smudge Sticks: This is my preferred method - use sage or other smudge sticks to cleanse the space. Light the smudge stick and let the smoke purify the area.

  2. Crystals: Place crystals that have the ability to filter energy around your space. Clear quartz, amethyst, and selenite are excellent choices.

  3. Sound: Play Tibetan bowls or any other instrument to clear the energy in the space.

  4. Water: Wash your hands and face to cleanse your energy.

  5. Meditation: Spend a few minutes in meditation to center yourself and clear your mind.

Choosing Your Materials

Selecting the right materials for your flower mandala altar is an important step in the process. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Flowers and Objects Representing the Leo Zodiac Sign:

    • Sunflowers: Bold and beautiful, sunflowers represent the Leo sign with their bright yellow petals and their tendency to bloom towards the sun. I used the sun flower because I love how the petals resemble the lion’s mane, and how the sunflower opens up towards the sun, embracing it’s warmth and energy.

    • Red Flowers: The color red is associated with the fiery Leo sign. Incorporating red flowers like roses can enhance the energy of your altar.

    • August Birth Flowers: Poppies and gladiolus are the birth flowers for August, and can also be used to connect with the Lion's Gate.

    • Fire Elements: The Leo zodiac sign is associate with the fire element and using a fire in your alter could also emphasis the connection with the spiritual energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal. For example, I used red rose-scented tea candles in my mandala alter.

  1. Flowers and Objects Representing Your Manifestation Goals:

    • Dandelion: Associated with making wishes, dandelions can be perfect for adding to your mandala altar as you try to manifest your desires. Drinking dandelion tea can also harness the beautiful energy of this flower.

    • Purple Hydrangea: Representing abundance and prosperity, I choose to included these in my altar.

    • Green Leaves: Symbolizing growth, rejuvenation, welcoming new and fresh energy, green leaves can enhance your altar.

    • Personal Objects: Incorporate flowers or objects that represent your personal goals. If you feel a strong connection to the written word, consider writing your desires on a small piece of paper and incorporating it into your mandala alter.

  1. Make your alter more powerful by making it personal:

    • Birth Flowers: Use your birth flower to make a personal connection with your altar. For example, I use a red carnations because carnation is my birth flower (I was born in January) and the red color connects with the Leo sign.

    • Personal Objects: Add personal objects that hold special meaning to you and represent your journey, it could be a crystal you like, a necklace that holds good memories, or anything else that you feel will contribute to your alter.

The Shape of Your Mandala Altar

The shape of your mandala altar can significantly impact its energy and symbolism. While mandalas are usually intuitive forms of art, designing an altar mandala requires intentionality. Consider what you want to represent in your mandala altar and choose a shape that aligns with your intentions.

Sacred Geometry and Symbols

Sacred geometry involves the use of geometric shapes that hold spiritual significance. Here are some symbols to consider for your mandala altar:

  1. Circle: The circle is one of the most ancient symbols, representing unity, wholeness, and the universe, with the center of the circle representing the seed of creation. It is the perfect symbol for manifesting and creating a mandala altar.

  2. Mandorla: An almond shape that represents the sacred space between earth and heaven, an enlightened portal of rebirth. This shape can enhance you efforts to connect to the Lion’s Gate energy.

  3. Hexagon: Found in sacred shapes like the flower of life, the hexagon represents harmony and balance. This shape can enhance your manifesting intentions by creating harmony between you and the universe.

Setting Your Intentions and Asking the Universe

Setting your intentions and creating your flower mandala altar jumpstarts your manifesting process and aligns your energies with your desires. Once you finished creating your alter, it's time to ask for what you want.

  1. Set Your Intentions: Take a moment to reflect on your intentions and focus your energy on them.

  2. Ask for Your Desires: Close your eyes and ask for what you want, either silently or out loud. Use simple words, a mantra, or a song—whichever way feels comfortable and authentic to you.

  3. Reflect and Connect: Take a moment to observe your altar and reflect on your efforts to create it. Allow yourself to be filled with the fiery and exciting energy of the Lion's Gate Portal. Know that the universe is already working on bringing forth your desires. 


The Lion's Gate Portal is a powerful time for spiritual connection and manifestation. By creating a flower mandala altar, you can harness the potent energies of this cosmic event to bring your desires into reality. Remember to clear your space and energy, choose materials that resonate with your intentions, and design your mandala altar with sacred geometry in mind. As you set your intentions and ask the universe for what you want, trust in the process and believe that your desires are on their way to you. Embrace the transformative power of the Lion's Gate Portal and let your dreams manifest into reality.


The Benefits of Creating Flower Mandalas


Floating Flower Mandalas: Connecting With The Water Element On Rainy Days